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Title Name Icon File Folder Langauge
Copper Plate Copper_Plate.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Primary PCB Primary_PCB.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
FALCOR Beacon FALCOR_Beacon.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Sand Sand.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Solar Panel Solar_Panel.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Solar Cell MK1 Solar_Cell_MK1.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
DapperFrame DapperFrame.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Ruined Light Chitin Ruined_Light_Chitin.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Basic Cargo Lift BasicCargoLift.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Ruined Heavy Chitin Ruined_Heavy_Chitin.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Heat Conducting Pipe Heat_Conducting_Pipe.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Toxic Cavern Flora 2 Toxic_Cavern_Flora_2.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Nickel Bar Nickel_Bar.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Laboratory Component Laboratory_Component.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Matter Mover Matter_Mover.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
DapperWall DapperWall.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Exceptional Organic Lens Exceptional_Organic_Lens.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Tin Pipe Tin_Pipe.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
ARTHER Solar Panel ARTHER_Solar_Panel.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Pristine Phosphorescent Gland Pristine_Phosphorescent_Gland.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
MK4 Battery Component Power_Storage_MK4.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Tin Bar Tin_Bar.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Minecart Turbo Rail MinecartTurboRail.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Ore Smelter Ore_Smelter.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Conductive PCB Conductive_PCB.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Toxic Cavern Flora 1 Toxic_Cavern_Flora_1.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
SpiderBot Particle Rifle SpiderBotRifle.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Green GlowPod Green_GlowPod.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
MK4 Power Booster PowerBoosterMK4.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Ruby Focusing Lens Ruby_Focusing_Lens.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)